I had the pleasure of shooting Anita and Nick’s engagement session on Easter Sunday. They were so super sweet with each other and it was great walking around the Niles District of Fremont (where Anita grew up) chatting and taking fun photos of them.
Nick is from South Africa and is currently living in Salt Lake City pursuing his dream of competing in his favorite sport, speed skating. So they spend a lot of time apart making this photo session even more special. Their wedding in September will be a great celebration of family and friends with a mixtures of many cultures; Chinese, American and South African. Anita & Nick, thank you for sharing the day with me and all the best for your new life together. Here are some of my favorite shots from our session:

Last week I had the awesome honor and privilege of visiting Kelly Moore at her home in Ruston, Louisiana. She was so generous with her knowledge and time and I really appreciated being there with her and Brandi, her assistant and stylist and so much more, and all their hospitality. Not only did I learn a tons but we also had so much fun talking about photography and our families. She has a little girl too, just 1 month younger than Gemma. I come back home inspired, more informed and full of ideas especially with off-camera lighting. Thank you Kelly and Brandi for being so amazing and for arranging such an unbelievable shoot.
I have tons more to say and post (I’ve got some catching up to do first). But for now here is a sneak peek of our amazing shoot and one of our models:

I found this little tutu at a second-hand store while I was looking for used wedding/fancy dresses and accessories to buy for future photoshoots. We haven’t really done the super girlie thing yet with Gemma so I was surprised (or maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised?) at her amazed reaction when she first saw this hanging to dry. She immediately wanted to try it on and kept looking at all the sparkly bits saying her new ‘Ooooo’. So even though it was waaaaay past her bedtime, I let her try out her very first tutu (even if it was over her sleeper). I’m glad I had my camera and wide angle lens handy to capture the moment. She makes me laugh so much!

Sitting on the kitchen floor checking out the sparkling action on her new dress:

Once she had her fun she definitely wanted to test her limits on how far she could push her bedtime. Here she is putting on her best Defiant Princess look.

Dan and Zita are such a unique and awesome couple and we had a lot of fun shooting their engagement session. Zita is a geologist and Dan creates video games as a programmer for a living. They both love nature, love to travel and eat really yummy food. In fact they met at a fancy dinner party. I thought it was so adorable that Dan wore the exact outfit he wore when he first met Zita. Isn’t that just too cute?
They both at one point worked near Crissy Field and they love that area so we thought it made sense to shoot there. The SF weather was quite chilly and they both did such a great job hanging in there throughout the shoot, especially Zita. We had a great time and I can’t wait to shoot their wedding next month. Here are some of my favorites from our session:

One of my favorite photographers, Kelly Moore, posted a contest about direct sunlight. She is asking us to embrace it and try to use it to our advantage. She is a phenomenal photographer and I’m super excited to do a 1-day 1-one-1 workshop with her this month and learn more about how to use light better! 🙂
Anyway, I’m reposting a couple of pictures here so that I can enter. April 13th she’ll pick her favorite photos. Wish me luck!

This weekend I had a great time hanging out with my friend Marisa. She is a Texas girl who recently moved to San Francisco so we thought we’d shoot her in her new city. 🙂

She loves the Bay Bridge, it is her favorite bridge in SF, so we made a point to take lots of photos there: