Today is my baby boy’s birthday. Sweet little Nico. This past first year (and then some) has been a wild ride with a tricky pregnancy (gestational diabetes, pre-term labor and bed-rest the last trimester), and a dramatic birth (birth story here) but I feel more alive than ever. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to be a mother, have a thriving family and be a photographer. I feel like I’m at a place where my family experiences inform my photography and my photography informs the way I want to live and live in my family. I’m growing and learning everyday. I hasn’t all been sunshine and kisses but it has been deep, fulfilling, trying and filled with gratitude.
Below is a photo I took of my little kiddos about to blow out the candle of Nico’s 1st birthday cake. Well, Gemma did the blowing, Nico did the smiling. We had great hopes for this homemade cake but it ended up being a hilariously blobby half-baked one that would put any quarter-decent cook or baker to shame. But you know what? We made the best of it. And our perfectly imperfect cake was still loved on, blown on, photographed and enjoyed. For me it was a super great analogy of this past year and some. I had so many plans & hopes for my pregnancy and birth and it just didn’t turn out that way. But we are still here, we are still laughing, still learning, still stumbling, still growing and still loving our perfectly imperfect life. And I wish for you all the same. Happy birthday my sweet baby Nico!
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by Rosaura
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