Melissa and Devon are big laughers with big hearts and they are made for each other. Who would have thought that a chance meeting during a San Francisco alley party by Taverna Aventine would change their lives for ever. We spent the afternoon remembering how they met, laughing and generally just celebrating their love and future together. I was so thrilled when they choose me to be their San Francisco engagement and wedding photographer and I can’t wait to photograph their wedding in September. Please enjoy some of my favorite images from our afternoon together!
Their love and laughter is so contagious and awesome. I couldn’t get them to stop smiling even if I asked. Seriously these two are so wonderful together.
Thank you Melissa and Devon for trusting me to capture your joy and showing me your love so I can capture it. Spending time with you was a true pleasure and documenting your wedding will be so much fun and I can’t wait!
CONTACT ROSAURA to photograph your wedding or family FIND ROSAURA on Facebook FOLLOW ROSAURA on Twitter!
by Rosaura
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