I had the great pleasure to attend Jeffrey Neil’s fantastic first ever workshop with the amazing Elisea Johnson of Photogen Inc. and fabulous Jonathan Metcalf of MetMedia. It was a jam-packed day filled of inspiration, branding, photo critiques, laughter, music, awesome live shoot in small groups and great food provided by Jason’s Downtown Restaurant in Santa Ana.
And on top of all that, the awesome ladies at Utterly Engaged and Treasured Petal created a super beautiful table scape for us to practice our detail shots on. The setting was very unique and made with the males in mind and will be shown in the March edition of Utterly Engaged E-Zine. Check them out if you haven’t already. For a sneak peak of the table, see either Jeffrey or Elisea’s blog, we’ve been asked not to blog them until the magazine comes out.
One of my main goals for this workshop was to conquer my fear of the tilt-shift lens, and I’m happy to report that I DID! 🙂 For the couples shoot, I forced myself to shoot only with my 45mm TS. Tons went wrong and some went right. I really appreciate Jeffrey & Elisea’s one-on-one feedback and advice working with the TS. Thank you guys. Also, thank you Jonathan for your encouragement during the shoot and tips on post process. You guys all have such big hearts and I’m so happy to have met you.
Below are my fav photos from my day with the TS at the workshop.

One of the other great things about the workshop is that I got to meet some really great people and fellow photogs: Gina Zeidler, Cami Poblete, Lara Holmes, Jon Dunning, Robert Tran, Maya Tasaka, Melissa Oholendt, Lindsey Besthorn and Kelly Aguilar. It was a super cool mix of people and I loved meeting each one of them. Thank you guys for making the workshop that much more enjoyable! 🙂
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They met and they instantly had a connection and fell in love. Who knew that you could find the love of your life just across the street? As part of their courtship, Page started making these hearts out of all sorts of materials (flowers, seeds, beads, pencils, buttons, veggies, metal shavings… you name it) for Madalene. Every Sunday night Page would proudly and loving place her newly created heart on Madalene’s doorstep so when she woke up to go to work, she’d have a beautiful reminder of how much she is loved.
7 months into the relationship Madalene was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. 4 months later after a difficult and painful battle, she was gone. Before Madalene passed away, Page promised her to continue to make Monday hearts for the rest of HER life as a way of saying she would never forget Madalene. It has been 4 years since Madalene left this earth and Page has kept her promise.
On a suggestion form a friend, she started photographing her works of love. One day she sent it out to a friend. And that friend sent it out to others and it snowballed from there. Well, one thing lead to another and now the collection has been made into amazing book. I encourage you to check out the book, Monday Hearts for Madalene and visit Pages website. You could even get a new heart sent to you every week by subscribing to Page’s email list. Oh, and a percentage of the proceeds to the book go to the Woman’s Cancer Research Center. How fantastic it that? There is so much love and creatively in this little book, you can really feel the power of love through each of the hearts. Do yourself a favor and check it out. Page, thank you so much for being so couragous with your love and sharing it will all of us. Madalene will never be forgotten.
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My friend Maggie is gorgeous and pregnant with her first child. Her husband is in the military and stationed in Honduras and couldn’t participate in the session. So instead he sent the next best thing, his military jacket with all his honors. It was amazing to see the love in her eyes when she thought of Mark while wearing his jacket. Enjoy this sneak peek.
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This Saturday I had the great pleasure to photograph Yesenia & Alex’s wedding in San Francisco and Foster City. It was filled with so much tenderness and love and dancing. We took tons of pictures of this beautiful couple – here’s one from our night session. Enjoy!
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Have you guys seen this bag? It is an awesome & stylish photographer’s bag designed from the ground up by the amazing Kelly Moore. Seriously, anyone who has a lot to carry and needs to get at it quickly and wants to be fashionable needs this bag: 
Kelly has generously offered a discount code for folks reading this blog! Thank you Kelly!
DISCOUNT CODE = bloglove for $50 off!
Note: discount code expires Jan 14th!
Visit the official website to buy your bag here!
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Yesenia & Alex are getting married in 3 short weeks! With the holidays upon us and rain on the day we scheduled to shoot, we took it indoors with my off-camera lighting setup and did a mini e-session instead. Our goal was to get just _one_ shot for the wedding. Well, here’s the shot. Really looking forward to shooting their wedding in January! And looking forward to an awesome Trash-the-Dress with them! 
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by Rosaura
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