Armored Saint is back! My brothers are in the band (Gonzalo on drums and Phil on guitar) and it was soo much fun to see them perform and have fun. The band came together again to do an Australian tour and they kicked it off with an awesome show in Hollywood’s Key Club on the 6th of March. The band started as friends and teenagers in my neighborhood and have accomplished so much and have traveled all over the world – it is super cool. They sounded great and they did not disappoint the standing-room-only crowd.
Here’s G posing for me during sound check. 🙂

I thought I would be able to get lots of really good pictures during sound check but what I didn’t realize is that they would also be programming the lighting. Most of this time the lights were either off or super back lit. I still managed to get a couple neat shots:

John Bush’s son was turing 2 the next day when the guys would be flying out, so they decided to bring him along and do a little ‘Color Me Mine’ party during sound check. Little Guiseppe is following in his father’s footsteps singing and rocking out to the drums. Here they are during sound check (nice protective head gear!):

I did manage to get a group shot before they all chilled out before the show (thanks, guys!):

Sandovals in the house! Even my mother came to show! My father would have been here too. And he was there in spirit. During the show the band dedicated a song to my father, “Armored Saint’s #1 fan” and to my sister Maria for her birthday. It was a family affair! 🙂

The opening act was San Francisco-based, Death Angel. They did a great job warming up the crowd. Death Angel will also be traveling with Armored Saint to Australia – good combo!

My mother waiting patiently for the show to begin. I love the tag on this Armored Saint t-shirt, “Made in the USA” with the Mexican-American spin on it! 🙂

And the the show BEGINS! Oh my gosh, everyone was just cheering as the rumble of the music started!

Jeff Duncan on guitar, Joey Vera on bass, Phil Sandoval on guitar and Gonzo on drums! 

And John Bush on vocals! 🙂
I love how much everyone really gets into it and has fun, especially my brother Phil!

Everyone was on their game and John Bush really belted it out for us and also showed his range.

Check out the crowd!

I came down from my protected balcony with the engineers and techs and decided to get up front. I had to push my way to the front but it was worth it. Plus I think it is easier when one is female. 😉

Phil showing off for the fans! They loved it! 🙂

I love this last show of Phil with the red light behind him and the light coming out from under his arm. So cool!

These are some really happy Armored Saint fans right after the show. The couple in front drove 500 miles from Arizona to see the show and the guys in back helped me get some good shots by hoisting me on their shoulders. These heavy metals fans were so nice to me and I wanted to include them in the blog. Long Live Armored Saint! 🙂

by Rosaura
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