Today is my baby boy’s birthday. Sweet little Nico. This past first year (and then some) has been a wild ride with a tricky pregnancy (gestational diabetes, pre-term labor and bed-rest the last trimester), and a dramatic birth (birth story here) but I feel more alive than ever. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to be a mother, have a thriving family and be a photographer. I feel like I’m at a place where my family experiences inform my photography and my photography informs the way I want to live and live in my family. I’m growing and learning everyday. I hasn’t all been sunshine and kisses but it has been deep, fulfilling, trying and filled with gratitude.
Below is a photo I took of my little kiddos about to blow out the candle of Nico’s 1st birthday cake. Well, Gemma did the blowing, Nico did the smiling. We had great hopes for this homemade cake but it ended up being a hilariously blobby half-baked one that would put any quarter-decent cook or baker to shame. But you know what? We made the best of it. And our perfectly imperfect cake was still loved on, blown on, photographed and enjoyed. For me it was a super great analogy of this past year and some. I had so many plans & hopes for my pregnancy and birth and it just didn’t turn out that way. But we are still here, we are still laughing, still learning, still stumbling, still growing and still loving our perfectly imperfect life. And I wish for you all the same. Happy birthday my sweet baby Nico!

CONTACT ROSAURA to shoot your wedding FIND ROSAURA on Facebook FOLLOW ROSAURA on Twitter!
Marcia and Randy’s wedding at the San Francisco Zoo was so incredibly fun and joyous but it wasn’t very zoo-y because of all the rain so we couldn’t walk the grounds. But sometimes you can turn rain into lemonade. 🙂 Enjoy this sneak peek!

CONTACT ROSAURA to shoot your wedding FIND ROSAURA on Facebook FOLLOW ROSAURA on Twitter!
Here is a sneak peek from Lucia and Raj’s wedding from Wente Vineyards.

CONTACT ROSAURA to shoot your wedding FIND ROSAURA on Facebook FOLLOW ROSAURA on Twitter!
Now for something totally different!
I usually don’t do the studio style portraits. I prefer the lifestyle outdoors portrait sessions where we have lots of space and freedom to go where ever we want. But this holiday season I found myself with a big need for a family portrait and no one to take it. It was important to me because I had made a commitment this year (and from here on out) to document my little family more with ME in the photographs.
So I decided to take on the challenge myself. Since I do not like the cold and it is hard to wrangle my children I decided to do it indoors. And then I thought, “I bet other families are in the same boat and need a last-minute photo too!” And I knew my set-up would end up being super neat and I wanted to share. And THEN I thought, “How about if I donate my time and ask folks to donate to my favorite musical non-profit, Living Jazz?” It would be a WIN-WIN! From there all sorts of crazy last-minute preparations and text messages/fb messages happened. And folks, it HAPPENED!
A HUGE thank you to my friends Manoj Patel and Chelsy Sutton for helping me make this happen. And another HUGE thank you goes to my loving and patient husband who let me turn the house inside out on his day off without his NFL.
Below are some of my favorites: First up, our wonderful Gemma! I love her so!

Am I a horrible mama? This photo cracks me us so. Nico is usually really really happy but he was not having it during portrait time.

And finally, our family holiday photo! Whew! 🙂

I’m doing it again this Sunday December 16th in Fremont. Please private message me if you are interested in signing up for a slot.
10 minute shoot per family.
$40 per image selected – you get a high resolution file, a low resolution file, and an 5×7 print. Cash or checks made out to LIVING JAZZ.
1pm -5pm. Fun is unlimited but space is not!
CONTACT ROSAURA to shoot your wedding FIND ROSAURA on Facebook FOLLOW ROSAURA on Twitter!
by Rosaura
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